
Friday, November 18, 2005

No More Concessions

Read the full article here: Agape Press
by Chad Groening

Esther Levens, the founder of a coalition of Christian and Jewish organizations (
Unity Coalition for Israel) dedicated to a safe and secure Israel says she cannot understand why the United States has once again forced the Jewish state to cave in to the demands of Islamic terrorists. {I don't understand why Israel agrees to it. Reminds me of the little kid who gives away all his best toys in the hopes that the other kids will then like him. Only it never happens. Instead, they scorn him. Israel must stop giving away their land and making concessions. It is not bringing them respect or tolerance~~only more hatred and scorn.}

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice(?Is she Muslim?) is hailing this week's agreement between Israel and the Palestinians as a big step forward to independence for the Palestinians. Among other things, the agreement gives the Palestinians direct access to Egypt through Gaza, bus convoys through Israeli territory between Gaza and the West Bank, and a seaport in Gaza.

"I don't understand the need to pressure Israel, unless it's just to make concessions to look good in the Arab world," she offers. "And it isn't the Israelis that are creating the terrorism; it is coming from radical Islam. How can we forget that? I mean, we're our own worst enemy here." {The current Israeli leaders ARE selling out Israel. No doubt, during WWII they would have informed on their fellow Jews to glean some comforts for themselves.}

Levens sees some contradiction in White House policy. {YES} "[The president is] losing the moral argument against Iraq when he's helping the terrorists in Gaza," she says. Consequently, she feels the president's followers are "increasingly disappointed with him." {YES AGAIN}

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