
Tuesday, November 22, 2005

'Pandering' to Palestine

With Nazi Appeasement
from Agape Press
by Chad Groening

Esther Levens, founder and CEO of the Unity Coalition for Israel, says the recent Palestinian-Israeli "agreement" brokered by Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is nothing but more appeasement of terrorists at Israel's expense. It is reminiscent of the way Adolph Hitler was appeased by the Western powers leading up to the Second World War.

The Bush administration would never concede U.S. territory to al-Qaeda, Levens asserts, yet she says the U.S. government appears perfectly willing to make Israel sacrifice its territory and security to the Palestinians.

America is not giving its terrorist enemies New York, Levens says, "because they killed 3,000 people there." It would be a farce even to consider such a thing, she adds, "and yet we pressure Israel to do what we would never do."

The bigger question is: Why Israel are you LISTENING TO A FOREIGN GOVERNMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE? It is YOUR land. It is YOUR nation. It is YOUR very survival.

Quit conceding that which G-d has given YOU.

Quit listening to Condi Rice who is so PRO-Palestinian and so ANTI-ISRAELI. She does NOT have your best interests at heart........

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